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Artificial intelligence: The future of environmental monitoring

Utilising Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, Novecom’s existing environmental monitoring devices can ‘talk’ with one another in the field, learn from their environment, and implement that learning to improve your company’s decision making process.

Nurturing Innovation in Your Business

Innovation is today’s go-to business buzzword. Everyone says they do it, but do they all understand what it truly means? More importantly, how can you make it happen? The Advitech…

Did you miss the Safety First conference?

Managing safety riskMike Taylor, one of Advitech’s Functional Safety (FS) Engineers, was an invited speaker at Safety First Conference in April 2016 which ran in parallel with National Manufacturing Week. Presenting on…

Larry Platt recognised for innovation

Larry Platt, The Advitech Group’s Executive Chairman, was recently recognised by the University of Newcastle for his commitment to innovation over many years. Larry was the recipient of the 2015 Leonard…

Managing hazardous areas

Do you know the hazardous zones across your site? Have you made changes that could impact these zones and increase risks? Learn more about managing your hazardous areas …


Did you know energy savings can earn you money?

Secure Government FundingAdvitech can help you secure government funding for energy audits and consulting services, including project support and implementation of energy conservation measures (ECMs). Funding can also be used…