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Protect your workers from hazardous chemicals

Matt Kean, the NSW Government Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation recently issued a media release titled, “NSW GOVERNMENT LAUNCHES PLAN TO PROTECT WORKERS FROM DANGEROUS WORKPLACE CHEMICALS”. The announced…

Congratulations | 10 years service awards

2007 was an extremely busy year for Advitech. Business was booming and we hired engineers, scientists and drafters for our Newcastle and Sydney offices and for site based secondments.  Fast…

Has your wireless network had a recent health check?

Ensure your wireless data network does not let you down in an emergency. In mining operations, every millisecond counts, so it’s critical your wireless network is healthy. Our site surveys…

Presenting The Advitech Group’s new corporate video

Thanks to the Hunter Manufacturing Awards (HMA) and NBN Television, today we launch The Advitech Group’s new corporate video – offering a snapshot of our STEM&M based group.

Video Surveillance

Whatever your surveillance requirements, no matter how harsh the environment or lack of network coverage, Acubis has a video monitoring solution to manage your site’s valuable assets. Acubis provides camera…

Property development & Aboriginal heritage

Property development and Aboriginal heritageAdvitech’s Senior Archaeologist, Viki Gordon, presented a thought-provoking seminar at the Australian Institute of Conveyancers (NSW Division) Regional Speaking Day on Saturday 17 June hosted by Anchorage…

Asset inspections: you pay for access … use it wisely!

What is the best approach to asset inspection?Asset inspections not only help reduce risk associated with ageing structures, but can also save a significant amount of time and money when…

Yellow Ribbon Road Safety Week (8-14 May 2017)

National Road Safety Week runs Monday 8 May to Sunday 14 May 2017 and this year’s theme is managing speed. In its fourth year, the event is organised by Safer…
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Performance issues with your radio network?

Acubis provide customised solutions to meet your site’s communication needs – for day to day operations and emergencies. Through experience, knowledge and trusted suppliers, we design cost effective radio networks…