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Understanding how your premises will operate with social distancing

COVID-19 presents challenges for many industries as they review current business models and explore how social distancing measures might affect interactions in buildings and public spaces.

As increased physical distancing is preferred, the capacity of spaces to manage pedestrian flow will be reduced, leading to effects on wait times or the need to manage bottlenecks in the system.

To assist businesses to adjust to this new world, engineering software company Oasys, has announced an exciting update to its simulation software MassMotion. MassMotion is an advanced crowd simulation software that uses crowd modelling technology that allows users to test scenarios for building design, population levels, and operations: putting people at the heart of the design process.

Used by engineers, architects, designers and planners worldwide, MassMotion helps predict the movement of individuals in 3D environments. The powerful crowd simulation software allows you to simulate complex scenarios such as queues, security checks, evacuations, and route closures. Applications for MassMotion are diverse, with the software ideal for transport hubs, any sort of scheduled event, airport terminal design and planning, advanced evacuation planning, offshore platforms, and stadia planning and maintenance projects.

The latest update to MassMotion, will feature a set of behaviours and analyses to model proximity between pedestrians; how they might interact and for how long; and the capacity of a given space while maintaining a set physical distance, such as two metres.

It is hoped that these new proximity analysis tools will give clients the insights they need to understand scenarios for operating sites or structures in a ‘new normal’ situation as lockdown requirements are relaxed.

This system update to MassMotion will not only enable businesses to estimate safe capacities, but help businesses build an experience for customers that is comfortable and efficient.

The added functionality in the software update will allow executives to answer:

  • What is the capacity of my venue with social distancing rules in place?
  • What changes should I make to layout and operations to improve things?
  • How might streets look once we return to the ‘new normal’?
  • What if one street lane was to open to accommodate pedestrians?

If you would like to learn if Mass Motion would be a good fit for your organisation, phone +61 2 4926 1500 and talk to the SMS team of simulation consultants.
