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Manufacturing a recovery for the Hunter, and for Australia

It goes without saying that the global pandemic has changed the way we operate – as individuals and as businesses. While some industries have sought to pivot and others simply…
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The role of machine learning in noise classification

By its definition, noise is unwanted sound.  While the notion of ‘wanted’ vs ‘unwanted’ varies from person to person, the definition makes it clear that noise is a subset of…

Just how functional is your functional safety system?

Whatever your industry or field, you’re probably well aware of its associated work health and safety protocols and procedures. Whether you’re behind a desk or on-site, risk management plays a…

Independent simulation consulting for warehouse and distribution centres

Simulation Modelling Services (SMS) is bringing to market a genuinely independent simulation offering for those looking to optimise their warehouse and distribution centre operations without compromising resilience. Using simulation as…

Design and extension of stockpile pad

We assisted with the development of a concept and detailed design for an extension of an existing Production Stockpile Pad and drainage.
