Newcastle will come alive for the Newcastle 500 and so will the noise levels from our live streamed noise monitoring throughout the event.
During the Newcastle 500, Novecom will be measuring the noise levels at a trackside location throughout the race period. Leaders in environmental monitoring and data management systems for industry, Novecom will be monitoring noise levels and providing a live web feed to demonstrate the technology and opportunities that the “Internet of Things” or IoT and Smart Cities applications can deliver to our community.
At Novecom, we are interested in how we can more effectively capture data and then convert that data into knowledge and action. This is the perfect opportunity to showcase what the business are experts at with a real-world application of sensor based information systems.
The live noise data will be available through a web page throughout the race weekend from November 24th to 26th.
Novecom has no affiliation with the race organisers, or relationship with any parties associated with the event. The primary interest is in using the knowledge of the company in a practical application to contribute to the implemetation of the IoT in Smart Cities.
What data is available and what does it mean?
On the webpage you can see a dashboard of 3 dials on the top left that indicate the: noise levels outside (OUT), inside (IN), and then the transmission loss (TL) is the outside noise level minus the inside noise level.
OUT = outside monitoring
IN = inside the property
TL = transmission loss = OUT – IN
Underneath this is the noise levels measured over the previous 24hr period (indoor vs. outdoor), and the maximum noise level (LMax) for the IN and OUT
dB(A) – best represents human response to general noise. A weighting is applied to the raw noise levels to represent noise as the human body interprets it. This weighting allows for the relative loudness of sound because the human ear is less sensitive to low audio frequencies.

Newcastle is doing a lot to be known as a Smart City. Newcastle City Council have a 2030 Community Strategy outlining the vision for the city and the plan for action. A city that is an “Intelligent Connected Ecosystem” will make it more liveable, people more connected and mobile through providing information and applications that inform people and enable better decision making.
Novecom is a leading integrator of sensor based information systems. Novecom is a local company who has developed a reputation for being experts in real-time monitoring and reporting systems for the mining, manufacturing and transport sectors. The Sentinex remote monitoring and reporting platform is currently being used by several major Australian and International mining companies.