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Did you know energy savings can earn you money?

Secure Government Funding

Advitech can help you secure government funding for energy audits and consulting services, including project support and implementation of energy conservation measures (ECMs). Funding can also be used to purchase equipment.

Talk to us about how you can secure any or all of the following:
  • Up to $5,000 for energy audits
  • Up to $15,000 for measurement and verification (M&V) projects
  • Up to $8,000 for project implementation, plus an additional $2,000 for M&V

Advitech has Certified M&V Professionals (CMVP), qualified to measure and verify savings from energy audits and provide technical support to help companies implement energy efficiency opportunities. Based on actual data, M&V provides financial credibility on energy savings. These actual savings are used to generate Energy Saving Certificates (ESCs), which can earn you money.

Steps to generating revenue
  1. Conduct energy audit with M&V – this gives baseline data and identifies metering requirements.
  2. Implement ECMs to reduce energy consumption.
  3. Continue M&V to determine actual energy savings. This ensures optimal savings are achieved.
  4. Generate ESCs to provide additional revenue.

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